This thing THOUGH!

So, I don’t buy a lot of “stuff.” But I DID buy THIS! A couple of years ago. I LOVE being on the water. I DON’T plan on actually white water (white knuckle) rafting on it down any rapids. I have your average run of the mill CAR, no rack and an 8 yr. old. And WHERE am I going to store an entire kayak? One that I only use seasonally? I don’t have room ON my car nor IN my garage nor AROUND my house for a bulky kayak. This thing completely fits into the carry bag and I hurl it into the trunk of my car! I LOVE it! It’s plenty roomy for 2 adults. It’s sturdy on the water, no tipping.

I’ve been on calm parts of the river near our home. The Yolo Bypass when it’s crazy flooded. A lake up in Shasta. It’s so great. I’ve seen more wildlife by kayaking out and around beyond the shore.

It takes longer to roll up and put away than it does to inflate. CAUTION-be sure it is absolutely totally and COMPLETELY dry. I now wipe the crevices with a dry towel. I let mine sit out for a couple of days. I don’t know WHAT I did, but once I put it away, didn’t use it for a couple of months and when I unrolled it there was purple mold/mildew stains on it. It’s pretty color purple but there is no way to get it off. I was sure that it was dry when I put it away, but…nope.

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