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I hope you find connection, acceptance, inspiration and peace of mind.  

This one is called “The New, The Old and the Ancient.” 

I am in Rouen, France.  This is an older gentleman playing his accordion. Obviously.  However, I was first taken by his position before the storefront and the young people coming up the street.  Look a little closer.  The storefront is a sort of Benetton’s or The Gap.  It is built into an ancient half timbered building and the people coming up the street are strolling along ancient cobblestones.  They are probably on their lunch break or just getting off work.  Both the accordion player and the folks coming up the side street I’m sure have their own financial and personal struggles in this life.  Yet here they are coexisting, facing and headed toward the town square which is right behind.  The town square where, in the 15th century, Joan of Arc was burned at the stake.  Just imagine the problems SHE was facing at that time in her life!  And I can’t help but ponder the ancients who had gone before in that-now- clothing store.   Who lived and worked and sold their good from that very building?   Breathed and touched and gazed out the window and doorway?  Yes, I was truly blessed to be able to take this trip to France…even more so to behold the convergence of so many life forces.


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