Morristown NJ

“Neither charity nor pity…but a normal life like normal people…with the independence to come and go as I please.” -Morris Frank

Frank Morris and Buddy Walking Tour Statue Morristown | Morristown ...

What?  NJ is not in my backyard!  True.  My parents live in Morristown and in THEIR backyard are several gems.  The Seeing Eye is the ‘grande dame’ of them all.

Of course, iconic locations such as the Statue of Liberty (and Manhattan as a whole) are REQUIRED tourist attractions.  How many of us head to see family out of state for visits and twiddle our thumbs looking for things to do once we get there?  During this pandemic, how many of you are looking for things to do in your own backyard?  My advice–not that you asked for it– think like a tourist.

A couple of years ago, there was one year I had more people come visit me than usual.  I took each and every one of them to the Golden Gate Bridge.  It became “my jam.” It’s about 2 hours from my home but…to them, it was a stunning, memorable icon of US attractions. I think I went to the GGB about 5 times that year.  I did not tire of it, neah! Instead, I was a better and better hostess each time I took the next houseguest! Each houseguest was a little different, each time I learned new avenues and new history and new things. I learned and THEY were THRILLED! By the 5th or 6th houseguest, I showed the GGB like a pro! But I digress….

So, Morristown has a few gems. The Seeing Eye campus is one of them!  If you are ever anywhere even NEAR Morristown, NJ PLEASE try to plan a Thursday visit.  It’s something you will walk away thinking you have learned something new that you didn’t know you didn’t know.

Located at 10 Washington Valley Rd. (less than 1 hr from the GW Bridge out of Manhattan)  in the rural part of Morristown.  Morristown has a city center like many other small cities however,  it extends far beyond the center into a very rural area with what I would call ‘sprawling’ homes and old estates and even older converted farm houses.  So, if you are going to visit The Seeing Eye, there are plenty of places to eat, shop, gawk and daydream as you drive down long winding country roads.  Park just about anywhere along the way and enter the 90 mile Patriot’s Path for a lovely (and EASY) hike or jog or picnic in nature.

OK…THAT’S Morristown…

The Seeing Eye.  

What I knew going in was that dog trainers (and their trainees!) are seen all over Morristown city center. I also saw from passing it on the way to my parents’ house that the headquarters is quite large.  So I googled it–60 acres! Ok, that’s a lot of land! …why so much?  I’m a scientist at heart too and scientists always start with a question.  I wondered what went on in this complex that utilized 60 acres?! Inquiring minds want to know. So on one visit to my parents’ we called and reserved a spot on the weekly Thursday tour.   My son is a veritable Dr. Doolittle and he was THRILLED throughout the entire tour.  My parents who have lived in Morristown for close to 30 years–and my own mother who is a real bunny hugger–had never been so they too were enthralled with the time we spent there.

Watch this beautiful and brief 3 min. video produced by The Seeing Eye.

We met and convened in a conference room.  A person who adopted a dog from The Seeing Eye gave a presentation. Then a trainer told her story as well as a brief history of the founders and the foundation.  This part was quite brief, about 30 min.  We then were given a tour of the facility and grounds and even MORE information was disseminated throughout the tour.

In 50 words or less.  This place is a top rate, first class act.  The dining facilities have linen tablecloths and napkins, shiny silver, open spaces.  The grounds are beautiful and impeccably kept.  That’s all surface stuff, sure, but at the heart and core of it is the deep seated commitment to DIGNITY.  The entire campus emanates dignity. For that alone, I commend and applaud The Seeing Eye for carrying out the vision of its founders. 

Top Five Stunning Facts:

  1. All recipients of The Seeing Eye dogs only pay $150.  Bam! That’s it! Airfare is even included! Recipients live on campus for a little over one month to acclimate to a dog,  train and bond with it. The Seeing Eye is able to provide this because they thrive from a well managed endowment.
  2. All veterans pay only $1.  That’s it! BAM! BAM!!! If you or a veteran you know has impaired vision PLEASE spread the word!
  3. Are you or someone you know losing vision?  Interestingly enough, the woman who spoke to our group didn’t “look blind.”  At the end of her presentation she addressed that.  She said, “I know some of you are thinking that I don’t look like I’m blind.”  (Talk about transparency!) Turns out she had gone blind over the past several years.  She staved it off with denial for years and was hit by an electric car coming out of a driveway one day.  After healing, she returned to her denial and again, walking down the street she was hit by another electric car.  Turns out, electric cars make little to no noise, so she doesn’t HEAR them coming, they SEE her coming and assume she will stop and misunderstandings can be deadly.  So after the 2nd incident, she contacted The Seeing Eye.
  4. All other dogs are called Service Dogs.  Only dogs from The Seeing Eye are called Seeing Eye dogs.  They have trademarked the term.
  5. To keep the breeds pure. The Seeing Eye breeds and trains all their own dogs. They don’t adopt from anywhere. They began with only German Shepherds and now include Golden Retrievers as well.  These are the only 2 breeds they use.
  6. BONUS FACT!  Nearby families (within driving distance) can sign up as puppy trainers. This is an important part of the program because it’s important that puppies are loved and acclimated to human families at an early age.  Maybe your family can adopt a puppy temporarily with a purpose! GREAT lesson for kids (of all ages!)

Do you want to read a little more about the history of The Seeing Eye before going? Read more about the founders Morris Frank and Dorothy Eustis.

Do you have a hidden gem in YOUR backyard? Maybe you’d like to write a guest post and tell us all about it here! (Send me an email or PM on FB.) Our globe is shrinking even more during this pandemic and you don’t know what folks around you don’t know!

Do you know of great places in Morristown to spend the night or have a meal? Do have experience with service dogs? Please comment or ASK AWAY below!


Are you Dharma….or Greg?

My inner spirit feels like Dharma waiting to bust out…but I’m forced to move within the confines of these things that can be seen.  Didn’t I JUST describe Greg to a “T?” So, I guess I’m Greg! …but I really am more like Dharma…maybe I’m more of an evolved Greg.

Sundials: Where Time Began - Farmers' Almanac

I feel surrounded by and unnaturally forced to operate within the confines of calendars, clocks, schedules, the time between the sunrise and the sunset, producing something.  It’s not something that is innate for me. And the moment a Saturday comes along–baby, I am on my own time!

Continue reading “MAKE A NEW PLAN, STAN”
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