Crowning Glory: River’s Journey

By, Taylor Thompson


Crowning Glory: River’s Journey profiles a competent woman paving her own way at work and getting getting caught up in a toxic relationship at home.  She is strong, capable and intelligent. She strives ahead on her own merits, navigates a culture built to keep her down, and takes charge of turning her own boat around like a BOSS instead of blaming anyone.

As a reader I felt angry when she takes up with her boyfriend, but we empaths are a trusting bunch! We see the good in people, ignore the red flags and bring our A-game…until we get burned and wisen up.  

I was a little disappointed in the ending.  Appreciated a couple of scenes loaded with characters in which the author goes out of her way to incorporate an explanation to keep them all straight.  This could easily be set to the ‘silver screen’ as a movie. Overall I really enjoyed Crowning Glory: River’s Journey and recommend it.

I read this during my “busy season.”  I’m so serious about everything so, if it isn’t seriously something I can USE to make work better or ME better then I don’t have time.  Coasting season comes but during my prep and build season there’s “no entertainment aloud.” But, I had said yes to reviewing Crowning Glory: River’s Journey and committed to a Thanksgiving timeline.  

Still, I started this book, put it down, wasn’t sure it hooked me, knew I had made the promise to read and review it but wasn’t feelin’ it… Maybe it was me and my mood. Then a twist came I and I couldn’t put it down!

Ultimately, I did find Crowning Glory: River’s Journey relatable and entertaining and I DO recommend it.  It’s an “easy read” and I really enjoyed breaking my trend at a time when I’m into a few books and audiobooks that are ‘heavy’ self help or teaching books that require my full attention and a highlighter.

All Walks of Life

Lessons From Nature–This Time From an Agapanthus

Photo by: Marisa Salisbury

Our lives take many twists and turns.  Some are forced upon us just by the general nature of us living on planet earth with billions of other people.  But sometimes we make our own choices, calculated or not. Sometimes we simply interpret something a certain way, perhaps two of us may interpret or react to the SAME thing in totally different ways.  Why? Because we are each unique, with innate, unique gifts. YOU are unique–ONE OF A KIND—and that’s a GOOD thing! Be your BEST you! 

There is something at the root of us all-I believe-that connects us though.  I noticed this agapanthus this week. All of these shoots are coming from the same roots, the same plant.  They are within inches of each other and receiving the same sunlight and shade. And I thought, the way they are all growing in their own way reflects how we humans live our lives.

Photo by: Marisa Salisbury

This shoot has its eye on a goal and is headed straight for it.  Directly, taking no turns, accepting no obstacles. Is it taller than the rest?  No, not really. Will it bloom before the others? I will let you know. Will it bloom bigger?  I will let you know that as well.

Photo by: Marisa Salisbury

This shoot is either shy and trying to hide from what is good for it.  Headed away from the light and back down into the darkness. I know that the sun will not allow for this.  No matter how hard this shoot reaches for the dark shade and thick underbrush of the roots, the sun will continue to shine on it and it WILL turn around and head back on the right path.

Photo by: Marisa Salisbury

This one looks like it tried to do the same thing but saw that the sun is good and turned around to reach for the light.  But what a twist and turn it took!! Is that a bad thing? Not really. When we take a detour in our own lives and head in the wrong direction for a while maybe we make some friends along the way, maybe we help someone out with the unique gifts that we have.  MAYBE it was following that second shoot, gave it a second thought and high tailed it out of there earlier!  We can learn from the mistakes of others…even if we tag along for a while making bad choices ourselves.  We can leave those situations a little earlier than others do.

Photo by: Marisa Salisbury

This shoot is going straight-ISH.  Story of my life!  In fact…here in lies MY uniqueness.  I definitely see my path as reasonably flexible.  I turn but would prefer not to twist per se. I meet and influence and AM influenced by many people along this winding path.  I am not the rigid type. I think that there is much to be learned from others that only strengthens what I truly believe to be at my core.  What I truly believe to be the ultimate truth or “way,” if you will. 

I know I always have my eye on the goal but I DEFINATELY make choices to steer away from them so that I’m looking at them over my shoulder instead of directly AT THE GOAL.  My feet go one way while my eyes are looking in the direction that I should be going.  I tell my students the same thing when they are sitting during a lesson or listening to a speaker.  To sit with their whole body facing the speaker.  Because if their body is facing their friend while the speaker is talking, it is their friend they are going to see and follow when they look up to make eye contact. 

Right now…today…I am HIGHLY focused on the goal.  I have spent a decade allowing myself to be dragged in a spiral away from a life I know that I’m destined for.  Through it all, I had my eyes on that lovely life full of light but I got farther and farther away. This season, right now, I AM that second shoot.  I am so glad that like that third shoot one can always turn that ship around and start heading back in the right direction.

What about you?  What actual direction are you headed in right now? What kind of story can you tell about where you’ve been and where you’re headed now?  

GRACE part 2

In Galatians 5:22 lists the fruits of the Spirit as 1) love, 2) joy 3) peace, 4) patience, 5) kindness, 6) goodness, 7) faithfulness, 8) gentleness and 9) self-control.  In trying to memorize these, I thought 9 was such an odd number. I can’t think of another time that 9 was a “thing” in the Bible.  There are 12 Disciples, 7 comes up a lot, 3 also, even 40 comes up both in the old and new testaments…but 9? I thought that 10 would have been a better number to work with and I wonder if the illustrious and ever so outspoken Paul had actually written 10 but one was left out of the cannon.  If there WERE 10 what would that last one have been?

MY projection, coming from Paul, is that the 10th fruit of the Spirit might have been “swift kick in the arse.”  Yep. You heard it here first. With our loved ones, with EVERYONE, truly, we are to act in a manner separate from this world.  We are to act according to the Spirit. We are to offer ALL these 9 things to those around us–and if we are becoming a doormat instead of a covering we are to offer that #10— give them a swift kick and start the routine over.   Like this, love on them, be patient with and kind to them, be faithful that things will be ok, treat them with gentleness and exhibit self-control NOT to reciprocate with wrong. Things not ok? Give them a kick and then love on them some more, be patient and kind to them etc etc…


But, do you have a bruise? A black eye? Has your bank account been emptied out do the actions of another?  Are your friends telling you that you look worse for the wear-that you are either gaining weight or losing too much weight.  Are you stressed and unfocused, losing your hair, chewing at your fingernails–do the the repeated actions of another? If so, you have crossed the line and you are being a doormat.  It’s time for that swift kick.

The sins listed in Galatians are first listed as “obvious.”  In case you don’t know Paul, he’s pretty blunt about things.  He doesn’t often sugar coat the message he has to deliver. So even here, he explicitly states “it’s OBVIOUS what the sins are.” Specifically though, sexual immorality, impurity, debauchery, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions, envy, drunkenness and orgies.  

But I THINK I figured something out.  How do we cross that line from grace to doormat?  The more I process it the simpler it seems. It has to do with exactly what is being covered over.  Is it A sin, A wrong, A misstep?  I mean were you stood up ONCE, lied to ONCE, cheated on ONCE…or does the offending party have an addiction to this behavior?  Is the offender prone to a certain unacceptable behavior? Because if its an ADDICTION, way of life or prone to behavior then THAT is what needs to be addressed and changed.  NOT the offensive act itself but the fact that they are prone to a certain behavior. If the offender is unenlightened and repeatedly engages in fits of rage, verbal abuse etc…then they need to change and become more enlightened or be retrained (or TRAINED!).  They need to learn to exercise the brain to end the fight-or-flight responses and train it to push their reactions up higher into the thinking brain. That might take counseling. They might not go to counseling without you first bestowing that 10th fruit of the spirit upon them.  If they respond to the kick–then offer grace while the change is happening. But it is wrong to think that we are offering grace for an addiction or ingrained behavior-because the repeated acts are then NOT really the issue and THAT is what victims might be looking at–the wrong thing.   

Paul, the author of so many books in the Bible, is a supreme example of it being possible for a person to change.  Paul was a genocidal maniac, really. He repented and really changed his entire behavior and thought process. So it IS possible.  Many people had to offer him grace. But he CHANGED.

Is there someone that YOU have seen change?  Do you know someone who NEEDS to change? What kind of ‘swift kicks in the arse’ have you bestowed on someone else?  What was the result?

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