April is very busy month for me requiring LOTS of adulting. I have approached each day with fear and prayer, dread and gratitude, counting down the days and counting all the blessings throughout the day. As Macrina the Monk says…”picking up all the bread crumbs.” I’m going to savor them and combine them into a full loaf of bread next month.
Each time I completed a project I DID, in fact, feel a sense of relief. And I DID feel the load lighten a bit…and I did stop to count down–“well, one more day closer to the end of April.”
So, when I emerged from a tough day in divorce court I actually had a spring in my step. I fought hard, prayed hard and had my posse praying for me and I was completely divinely inspired with this analogy of Life On A Lunch Tray.
Some say we have a full plate, or “I have a lot on my plate.” I’m thinking of this month more like a lunch tray-all compartmentalized.
- Don’t let any of the stuff touch each other
- Don’t mix the stuff
- Keep an eye on the set dining time because I MUST finish on time.
- ONLY eat from ONE compartment at a time.
- Don’t overfill my tray. (See #2) Don’t just heap everything on my tray. Since I have more than will fit into the compartments on the tray then they will just have to wait until I have cleared a compartment to hold it.
- Be sure…absolutely INTENTIONAL about putting desert on my tray from time to time when a compartment is empty and gobble it up FAST!